Monday, 27 February 2017

Trump's Policy

It’s the most requisite right of human being to lead a very happy and contented sort of life but unfortunately some implacable people instead of creating ample felicity among humanity create impediments in the way of those who are determined to establish a co-operative peace full existence, the notorious instance in this regard can be put forth of callous Donald Trump who has turned his beautiful garden of humanity into a sheer exploitation and pandemonium. Pakistan and America had a similar past both emerged being agriculture countries, but with the fleeting of time because of various fluctuations both couldn’t stick to their nation of spreading an environment of fraternity between each other, between innocent masses irrespective of political and religious difference.
Today America is playing havoc by propagating her abominable policies which obviously indicate the myopia and bias frame of mind of Trump. He has perhaps, forgotten  Martin Luther King, a beautiful literary voice of America, who through his speech, “ I Have A Dream” regarded America a great nation whose there is no malice, bias and narrow mingle dress and nepotistic. He kept infusing the spirit of love, endurance and hope in all the people of America so that they may develop a good relationship with other countries in order to bring the fair name of America but i can confidently arrest that , if Martin Luther King had been alive ,he would have burst into tear’s to see the frivolous and shameful oddities of Donald Trump. We shouldn’t forget that on the dint of cruelty we can only get the willingness of our subordinate or fate-strike people but can never build a perpetual place in their heart.

Man is always learnt due to his admirable and noble deeds and noble-deeds demand love and absence of malicious passion but Donald Trumo ia an evil incarnation in this regard. He is spreading sheer barbarism that can cause  irredeemable loss entire America

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